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If Harveywetdog did Wikipedia

In April 2020 and in the interest of legacy I wrote a Wikipedia entry recording the thoughts and notable works of Harveywetdog. I admit I was ignorant of the rules concerning self promotion on Wikipedia and consequently my entry was correctly deleted and my account expunged from the system. As a result my original words and links were sadly lost but nevertheless here is a rewrite. Perhaps when I'm gone someone will be able to enter it onto Wikipedia as a fitting epitaph for my time on the Harveywetdog Project.  

The Paris Olympics 2024; a great time to bury good news?

The last time we discussed the work of the FEI Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission (EEWC) they had made their final report and recommendations to the FEI Board and I suggested they had been kicked into the long grass while the FEI got the Olympic Games of Paris 2024 out the way. Well it transpires I was wrong; I now see the FEI Sports Forum met in April 2024 and set the action plan for the implementation of the EEWC recommendations.

The Action Plan is based on the work of the EEWC and comprises six priority areas of focus:

  • Training, Riding, Tack and Equipment
  • Recognised Physical and Emotional Stress
  • Accountability, Enforcement and Knowledge
  • The Other 23 Hours
  • Competitive Drive/Horse as a Number/Object
  • Not Fit to Compete/Masking Health Problems.

The focus areas were divided into action points and entered into a matrix linking each point to the recommendations made by the EEWC, persons or groups in charge of delivery, finances, and deadlines. A series of other actions not linked to the six focus areas but addressing the EEWC recommendations have also been incorporated into the Action Plan, including education on the Five Domains of Animal Welfare approach, communications strategy, and reporting mechanisms.

A good life for horses

FEI Welfare Strategy

The EEWC Report outlined 30 recommendations – six of those presented at an early stage in the Commission’s work – which had been divided into six priority areas of focus - training and riding, tack and equipment; recognising physical and emotional stress; accountability, enforcement and knowledge; the other 23 hours (the life of horses outside of competition); competitive drive; not fit to compete (masking health problems). Once combined, the early recommendations, the Final Report recommendations and priority areas of focus generated 62 action points.

The Commission had further outlined a suggested approach urging the FEI to be a Leader; be Trusted; be Transparent; be ProActive; and be Accountable, and had proposed tools for action.

This approach had informed the FEI Welfare Strategy, the initial stage of which was presented at the session, based on a Welfare Vision for a good life for horses, and a Welfare Mission, with the FEI serving as the guardians of FEI horses by formulating and implementing rules, guidelines, educational programmes and other initiatives. Where required, the FEI applies sanctions to ensure good horse welfare with the overall mission to lead, drive and develop equestrian sport globally.

The Five Domain Model

An essential tool for action to deliver this Welfare Strategy is the Five Domain model, which had been updated in 2020 to achieve and measure horse welfare through nutrition, physical environment, health and fitness, and interactions with the environment, with other horses and with humans. A positive mental state equals good welfare. 

The Action Plan

The 62 action points have been loaded into a matrix listing the actions already put in place by FEI, possible future actions, ways for the FEI to support and collaborate with the National Federations and other official stakeholder groups, plus linking to the relevant domain of animal welfare.

At the 2024 sports Forum the FEI Veterinary and Legal Directors presented the main elements of the matrix and provided details for some of the key proposed actions, including a broader approach to reviewing tack and equipment; resuming scientific research on hyperflexion and rollkur; and developing guidelines, principles, rules and registration of trainers across the disciplines to ensure ethical training methods.

"developing guidelines, principles, rules and registration of trainers across the disciplines to ensure ethical training methods"

Other key projects discussed in detail were the development of harmonised post mortem reporting protocols in national events with the support of the NFs; updating the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse in collaboration with World Horse Welfare; strengthening the awareness and use of the FEI Equestrian Charter, and the implementation of an Out of Competition Testing Programme.

An in-depth Communications strategy is to be developed and will be presented at a special session at the FEI General Assembly 2024 in Oman in November.

The FEI Secretary General emphasised that the FEI Welfare Vision and Mission would inform all FEI activities going forward. She urged participants to consult the presentation used during the session, urging Sports Forum participants and the community as a whole to provide their feedback. This will be used as part of developing a detailed action plan to be presented at this year’s FEI General Assembly.

The Action Plan

Be A Guardian

In order to implement the action plan FEI have set aside roughly £1 million. The action plan is available on the FEI website, in interactive format, and its effectiveness needs to be assessed by better equestrian minds than mine. While BEF are issued their Charter for the horse as a high level statement of intent the FEI encourage us to "Be a Guardian" of our horses to achieve the same goal.

It is hoped that "Be a Guardian" will be the central message that unites the community around the FEI Action Plan.

The term 'guardian' marks an evolution in the FEI's narrative of the horse-human partnership, chosen to better represent the human role in caring for horses and to underscore each individual's responsibility for ensuring horse welfare.

Still a Long Way to Go?

So why haven't I heard about this until today? I can see nothing on the BEF website although I accept they will have been focused on Paris (plus some serious issues closer to home) during this time. Can it be, as I suggested in the title to my blog, that the Paris 2024 Olympics have been seen as a great time to bury good news?

We certainly have a lot to absorb and I assume that in the U.K. BEF are taking the FEI output and building it into a revision of “the rule book” to be published in 2025. Unfortunately many of the outputs of the FEI Equine Welfare Strategy Action Plan will only deliver in 2025, so we may see ourselves iterating all the way to Los Angeles 2028.


"The FEI Welfare Vision and Mission would inform all FEI activities going forward"


Harveywetdog/Author - David Robinson CEng FIET 
David spent approaching 50 years in Her Majesty's Electricity Supply Industry before retiring
He was part of the highly successful design team on the Sizewell B Nuclear Power Station Project before spending 25 years producing safety cases to keep our aging AGR fleet generating for the good of the nation
He is responsible for the Harveywetdog YouTube Channel which he maintains as an outlet for his creative talents
David is now in remission from blood cancer but refuses to be a victim
All views are now his own but might be influenced by the medication he's had to take

