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If Harveywetdog did Wikipedia

In April 2020 and in the interest of legacy I wrote a Wikipedia entry recording the thoughts and notable works of Harveywetdog. I admit I was ignorant of the rules concerning self promotion on Wikipedia and consequently my entry was correctly deleted and my account expunged from the system. As a result my original words and links were sadly lost but nevertheless here is a rewrite. Perhaps when I'm gone someone will be able to enter it onto Wikipedia as a fitting epitaph for my time on the Harveywetdog Project.  

Harveywetdog - The Burghley Years

I have been very lucky to be able to video on cross country day at Land Rover Burghley cross country day on a number of occasions in the past decade. It may be because I'm a Land Rover driver myself or it may be due to the Burghley media team being more pragmatic when it comes to amateur videographers recording the sights and sounds of their event.

I attended Burghley from 2014 to 2017. I recall 2016 was very wet and 2015 was the first time I had recorded in 4K. The first year was as a spectator and guest of British Eventing having won my ticket as a result of the Eventing Cinema competition. Here is a remake I made of that winning entry.

2017 was the year Oliver Townend won and I basically thought it can't get better than that so didn't apply to attend in 2018 and 2019 and we all know what happened in 2020.

So in this playlist I've chosen my favourite 12 videos from the four years at Burghley. I think the videos show how my style has developed over the years. Having watched the 2014 video again I've decided to do a remake in 2021. Firstly because lockdown is giving me another chance to revisit some of my original work, bring them in line with house style and use colour correction where appropriate and secondly to set it in chronological order. Back in 2014 I was very insistent in editing my videos in fence order although that often isn't how I shoot them especially on a course like Burghley where I had made a point of starting at Discovery Valley and where there is often two way traffic in certain areas of the course.

Other videos are available if you dig into the individual playlists.
